Currency Nicknames

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Forex traders use Currency nicknames all the time. Most Currency pairs in particular the most commonly traded ones have a nickname, some are obvious and some are not. The most popular ones are listed below:
 AUDUSD – The Aussie Quite obvious really
 EURGBP – The Chunnel Named after the Channel tunnel
 EURJPY – The Euppy
 EURUSD – The Fiber Similar reason for why GBPUSD is called Cable
 GBPUSD – Cable Named after the original cable used to connect the two countries
 GBPJPY – The Gopher
 NZDUSD – The Kiwi Named after the National bird
 USDCAD – The Loonie The Loon is a bird printed on the Canadian 1 Dollar coin
 USDCHF – The Swissy Again, an obvious association
 USDJPY – The Ninja

So, the next time you hear Forex traders talking about Cable, Fiber or even the Loonie, now you know what they are talking about.

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Currency Nicknames ini dipublish oleh Unknown pada hari Saturday, 26 October 2013. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Currency Nicknames


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