Currency Correlation

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Currency Correlation
Correlation in the Currency world defines the relationship between one Currency pair and another. The relationship is measured using the Correlation (co-efficient) which has a range from +1 to -1.
The Correlation Scale
1.00 = Perfect Positive Correlation Meaning the Currency pairs move in the same direction 100% of the time
0.80+ = Very Strong +ve correlation
0.60+ = Strong +ve correlation
0.40+ = +ve correlation
0.20+ = +ve but weak correlation
-1.00 = Perfect Negative Correlation Meaning the Currency pairs move in the opposite direction 100% of the time
-0.80 = Very Strong -ve correlation
-0.60 = Strong -ve correlation
-0.40 = -ve correlation
-0.20 = -ve but weak correlation
-0.20 to 0.20+ = Little or No correlation
This means that, for example if EURUSD and USDCHF had a Very Strong negative correlation (say -0.97) When EURUSD rises there is a 97% chance that USDCHF will fall.
By contrast, if EURUSD and GBPUSD had a Very Strong positive correlation (say 0.91) When one rises expect the other will rise too (91% of the time).
Why Is Currency Correlation Important?
Risk Management!
If you are currently Long EURUSD and considering going Long USDCHF With a -0.97 negative correlation you are effectively taking a neutral position in the market.
Conversely, if you are currently Long EURUSD and considering going Long GBPUSD With a 0.91 positive correlation you are effectively doubling your current risk in the market.

The Forex Useful Correlation Indicator shows you instantly the current correlation of the instrument you are trading against any 4 other instruments AND works on all timeframes.

Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

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